Friday, August 12, 2011

Life is like that

Life is like that .
When our kids are young we are busy.
Doing everything for them.
We are anxious about their growth,health and future.
We are restless about everything.
Then we think
When they are well-placed we will be happy.
When they get a partner everything is o.k.
When they get two children ,a flat and a car they get settled.
When they are well-placed they have no time even to say hello mummy.
When they get a partner they have to adjust with partner and life.
They have their own tensions.We have no space
When they get two children ,a flat and a car they have to do everything as
we did.So they must be theirs.
Then ...
We have nothing to win.
We are waiting for the phone bell, not the doorbell.
Praying for the well being of our children.
Working with a heavy heart.
Remembering the enjoyments with our children.
Repenting about the enjoyments we lost in the pressure of life .
Arranging the albums now and then to see our children's childhood.
Thinking and praying...
We are the love birds.
Our second part is begun.
God help us to live together till end.
Don't separate us.
Give us strength and motivation to engage in new works.
Help us to see a new world because we are in wilderness.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Empty Nest

After a few years two friends met in the school ground Then they were the parents of two high school students.During the conversation
'A' :-How is your son in studies?
'B':-Very well.Always he is above 90% .How is your son?
'A':-(with a sad face)Oh!he is not hardworking.Every time he is 45% You are lucky.Having studious children is a blessing.

After a few years those friends met. Then Bwas sad. A was happy.
B:- How are u?how is your son?
A:-NowI am very happy. My son was not so good in studies .So he found a medium placement in neighbourhood.So he is living near me.Now life is so are u?how is your son?

B:-(with a sad face) Oh! what a life? My son was so brilliant and he got better chances and now he is in U.S.He got awards in his Profession.But has no leave .So we have only phone calls and we see him in webcamera. At the age of 55 we feel the "Empty Nest'.

Hai ! readers which will u prefer?